Wyn's 1984 Yamaha RZV 500
Click on Images to get an enlarged version
This is the Japanese domestic market RZV 500R
with an aluminum frame, not the Canadian RZ 500 or the European RD 500,
both which have steel frames. This was the first aluminum framed
bike that Yamaha mass produced..

295 pounds dry
100 HP
Carbon fiber rear set brackets, billet shifter
& foot pegs, carbon fiber brake pedal by owner
Carbon fiber dash by owner
All miscellaneous brackets re-fabricated in carbon
fiber by owner
Frame modified to have removeable tail section,
braced in steering head and rear motor mount area
"Delta Box" frame mod by owner and Steve
Cisewski, paint by owner
Avocet 45 bicycle speedometer
All fasteners Yoyodyne Titanium, AFS or
Pogipolini Aluminum
Titanium kickstand by Morgan Racing
500cc, V-4, 2-stroke
Titanium carb clamp bolts by owner
Mufflers by owner, billet aluminum end caps
Billet pipe flanges by owner
Billet lower reed cage block by owner
Upper pipes -Custom made by Harry Barlow
Lower pipes - Custom made by Brian Turfrey
Mikuni 28mm flatslide carbs
Cylinders ported, heads cut & re-chamfered,
reed cages modified & stuffed, ignition advanced and jetting
by BJ MacDonald
RZ 350 reed cages fitted by Kevin Cameron
TDR reeds
Front End:
96 GSXR 750 Forks
Triple Clamps - billet aluminum by owner
Wheel spacers and bushings by owner
Billet front brake and clutch levers by owner
Stainless steel brake lines by owner
Steering stem - Titanium by Morgan Racing
Coatings by Erik Madsen at Madsen Engineering
96 GSXR 750 6 piston brake calipers
Marchesini 3.5 x 17 wheel, PFM brake rotors
(320mm) and titanium axle by Yoyodyne Titanium
92 TZR 250 throttle & switches
Rear End:
94 GSXR 750 swingarm
Swingarm heavily modified by owner and Steve
Brake hanger/stay arm-billet aluminum by owner
Stainless steel brake line by owner
Wheel and swingarm spacers by owner
Marchesini 6 x 17 wheel, Vortech sprocket, EK
520RXO chain
Yoyodyne Titanium rotor (190mm), axle and
pivot bolt
Brake caliper
Ohlins Shock
91 Yamaha YZR 500
Aluminum upper fairing bracket by owner and Steve
Carbon fiber body work and gas tank w/integral
oil tank by Dave Earhart
Dzus type fasteners
stainless by Skybolt
Paint by Kevin Chamberlain
Lockhart carbon fiber mirrors
Special thanks:
To the RZ/RD 500 Owners Group.
Also Mike Cichetti, Steve Cisewski, BJ MacDonald
at MacDonald Performance, Will Morgan at Morgan Racing, Lee Mullin at Lee
Metal Products, Fred Renz at Yoyodyne Titanium, Paul Yokum and all
the guys at Honda Shop Nakahodo, Okinawa, Japan.
Without these folks help and advice, this
project wouldn't have happened.
